
What is the difference between HTML elements and tags?

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In HTML (HyperText Markup Language), an element is a piece of content with a specific meaning, while a tag is a way of marking up a piece of content in the HTML document.

An element is made up of an opening tag, content, and a closing tag. The opening tag includes the element name and any attributes, while the closing tag includes the element name preceded by a forward slash. The content is the text or other elements that are contained within the opening and closing tags.

For example, the following HTML code defines a paragraph element with the text "Hello, World!" as the content:

<p>Hello, World!</p>

In this example, the "p" is the element name, and the opening and closing tags are the tags. The content is the text "Hello, World!"

Elements can also contain other elements, which are called child elements. For example, the following HTML code defines a list element with two list items as child elements:

  <li>Item 1</li>
  <li>Item 2</li>

In this example, the "ul" element is the parent element, and the "li" elements are the child elements.

HTML tags are used to mark up the content of an HTML document in a way that tells a web browser how to display it. The tags give structure and meaning to the content and can include formatting information such as font size and color.


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I am a professional web developer. I love programming and coding, and reading books. I am the founder and CEO of StorialTech.